Rental Referral Information
If you are in need of rental and/or homeless referral information, please fill out the form by clicking here and a packet of information will be emailed to you.
This packet includes resources and websites that can assist with:
- Information on low-income and market-rate housing
- Tenant’s rights, lease default, and fair housing awareness
- Referral to affirmative option expanding housing choices
- Temporary and short term shelter referral options
- Homeless shelter referral information
- Senior housing referral information
Please, note that South Suburban Housing Center does not provide monetary rental assistance. Below are organizations who do provide rental assistance:
- South Suburban Call Center, (877) 426-6515
- Ford Heights Community Service Organization, (708) 758-2565
- Spanish Coalition (Chicago residents only), Contact: Ms. Griselda, (773) 933-7575
- Bloom Township (Must live in Bloom Township), (708) 754-9400
- Thornton Township General Assistance (Must live in Thornton Township. Has strict requirements. Only up to $150 for rent.)
For questions, Contact the Housing Center or call us at (708) 957-4674