Monetary Donations
Your tax-deductible donation allows SSHC to provide free housing counseling or housing discrimination assistance to families in need, as well as helps us to leverage additional support to administer these services from other grant sources who evaluate our ability to raise in-kind resources.
Please consider making an on-line contribution or sending a check to:
South Suburban Housing Center
18220 Harwood Avenue, Suite 1
Homewood, IL 60430
Donate with AmazonSmile
Do you shop on Amazon? Now you can support SSHC while you make your purchases! When you choose South Suburban Housing Center as your charity, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to us.
How to set up AmazonSmile on your Amazon Account:
- Visit smile.amazon.com
- Click on the “Get Started” button
- Search and select “South Suburban Housing Center”
- Complete the set-up and you’re done!
- When buying on Amazon without the app, you must use smile.amazon.com and NOT amazon.com before making a purchase. A good trick is to pin this page on your browser for quick access.
If you use the Amazon app, you need to enable it there, too!
- Open the Amazon app on your mobile device (make sure it’s updated!)
- Tap the three horizontal lines on the bottom right of the screen
- Scroll down and tap on “Settings”
- Tap on AmazonSmile
- Check that you’re set to donate to South Suburban Housing Center
- Make sure it’s turned to “ON”
- That’s it!
As long as you follow these steps and use the smile.amazon.com link when you shop on a browser, your purchases will go towards supporting South Suburban Housing Center programs and services that help us work towards our mission.