Housing Stability Services Referral
Get connected to the housing services you need
Kankakee County Resources
As part of our mission to promote and foster stable, long-term diverse communities in our service area, South Suburban Housing Center has created this page for renters and homeowners to find the resources they need to maintain housing.
Please note that South Suburban Housing Center is a partner agency for the Illinois Rental and Mortgage Assistance Programs. We will not be able to answer questions specific to the other programs listed.
Select from the following options to view available resources in Kankakee County, Illinois:
Mortgage Assistance IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE
State and county mortgage assistance programs are no longer available. South Suburban Housing Center does not offer monetary mortgage assistance. If you are facing mortgage distress, SSHC provides HUD-Approved Housing Counseling services for free. Learn more here and request intake today.

Rental Assistance is NO LONGER AVAILABLE
State and county rental assistance programs are no longer available. South Suburban Housing Center does not offer monetary rental assistance. If you are facing eviction, visit https://evictionhelpillinois.org/ to know your rights.
Prairie State Legal Services
(815) 935-2750 or (800) 346-2864
Kankakee Office serving Kankakee and Iroquois Counties
Prairie State Legal Services offers free legal services for low-income persons and those age 60 and over who have serious civil legal problems and need legal help to solve them. There are 11 office locations serving 36 counties in northern Illinois.
Utility Assistance
Kankakee County Community Services Inc.
Click here for utility assistance information
Click here for home weatherization application
The Kankakee County Community Services Inc. works in collaboration with funders and local organizations to offer opportunities to educate, empower and build self-reliance. Visit the website to find information on the following:
Employment Support (supplies, daycare, and transportation)
Gas, Propane, and/or Electric (LIHEAP)
Emergency Furnace
Home Weatherization
Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
Rental or Mortgage Assistance
Food Pantry
Food Banks
Northern Illinois Food Bank
The Northern Illinois Food Bank is a network of food pantries and programs working to end hunger. If your household needs food, use the website’s search tool to find food banks near you including hours and contact information.
Disability Resources
Options Center for Independent Living
(815) 936-0100
(815) 936-0132 (TTY)
Options Center for Independent Living provides information and referral, peer support and mentoring, independent living skills, transition services, equipment loan, personal assistant programs, and more.
Cornerstone Services
(815) 727-6667— Behavioral Health Services
(815) 741-7033— Residential Services
(815) 727.6665— Employment Services
Cornerstone Services helps people find and keep jobs, maintain stable housing, and learn to access public transportation and community resources. Group and individual counseling and therapy for mental health needs are also provided by Cornerstone professionals.
The Arc of Illinois
The Arc of Ilinois advocates for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, families, and community organizations to ensure that people with disabilities can live, work, learn, and play in communities across the state
Illinois Disability Resource Organization
Hosted by the Illinois State Library
If you or someone in your care is a person with disabilities, you can find resources on this page hosted by the Illinois State Library. The website provides links to Illinois Secretary of State forms and publications including information on the state’s parking program for persons with disabilities, services for senior citizens and persons with disabilities, and more.
Disability Works
Disability Works is an Illinois resource for employment, benefits, and connections to other agencies.