South Suburban Housing Center Education and Outreach initiatives include providing Fair Housing and Fair Lending training and workshops available by request for the general public, housing providers (realtors, builders, developers, property management companies), housing advertisers (local print & digital media), mortgage lending institutions, homeowner insurers, architects, municipalities/building departments, and social service agencies.
Available Fair Housing Trainings
We have developed the following training/workshop presentations. We are able customize and focus your session to address your audience’s specific fair housing education need or concern:
- Fair Housing: It’s the Law (includes Federal, State, and Local provisions)
- Fair Housing Law for Property Management, Condominium/Homeowners Associations
- Fair Housing Protections for People with Disabilities
- Fair Housing Act Accessible Design & Construction Standards for Multi-Family Buildings
- HUD Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Obligations for Local Governments
- Fair Housing Advertising and Marketing Regulations
- Familial Status Protections Under the Fair Housing Act
- Source of Income Protections Under Local Fair Housing Laws
Request more information and schedule your event:
Contact us at (708) 957-4674 or sshc.contact@gmail.com
Request a Mortgage Distress Workshop
These workshops are geared towards existing homeowners who are currently struggling with their mortgage payments, as well as those who are behind in their payments and facing the possibility of foreclosure. Workshops are presented by our highly experienced HUD-Certified housing counselors, along with our expert foreclosure defense attorney.
Our Workshop Presentations Cover:
- Foreclosure prevention techniques
- Loan modification & mortgage fraud scam awareness
- Resolution options for families in foreclosure
- Information about various mortgage assistance options
- Documentation requirements
Request more information and schedule your event:
Contact us at (708) 957-4674 or sshc.contact@gmail.com