FHA Accessible Design & Construction Standards for Multi-Family Buildings
South Suburban Housing Center (SSHC) is responsible for providing greater awareness of the Federal Fair Housing Act accessibility guidelines for the construction of multi-family residential dwellings. As is the case all over the country, there is a severe shortage of accessible units for mobility-impaired individuals in our service area.
Failure to comply with federal FHA accessibility standards can lead to fair housing complaints, leaving builders, architects, developers, and owners legally accountable. Below are some resources to stay informed about FHA Accessibility Standards. If you need assistance or would like to schedule a training for your staff, please contact us at (708) 957-4674 or sshc.contact@gmail.com.
Training Tools
Accessibility Self-Certification Checklist SSHC Survey
Fair Housing Quiz on the Fair Housing Act Design and Construction Requirements
SSHC Design and Construction Requirements of the Fair Housing Act
HUD/NFHA It’s Not Easy to Turn Off the Lights
The Pocket Guide to FHA Accessibility App, National Association of Home Builders
Online Accessibility Resources
HUD Fair Housing Act Design Manual
IDHR Guidebook on Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications
Accessible Design for Multi-Family Buildings, SSHC Webinar Recording
Fair Housing Design & Accessibility Requirements, Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana