Group Homeownership Education

Pre-purchase Classes
Our pre-purchase classes are targeted to individuals & families that are actively looking to purchase a home, as well as those who may be interested in becoming a homeowner in the near future. The workshops are quite comprehensive and a great introduction to all stages of the home buying process.

For more information and to view the class schedule, click here.

Loan Modification & Foreclosure Assistance Workshops

Our loan modification and foreclosure assistance workshops are geared toward existing homeowners who are currently struggling with their mortgage payments, as well as those who are behind in their payments and facing the possibility of foreclosure. Our highly experienced HUD-certified housing counselors will be on-site, along with our expert foreclosure defense attorney.

The workshop presentations will cover the following topics:

•    Foreclosure prevention techniques
•    Loan modification & mortgage fraud scam awareness
•    Resolution options for families in foreclosure
•    Information about various mortgage assistance options
•    Documentation requirements

Contact the Housing Center to schedule a workshop